Monday, March 30, 2009

pursuit of happiness - Google Video

pursuit of happiness - Google Video


“You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin", go get it. Period. (Gardner) this quote explains perfectly how the quote by John F. Kennedy relates to the Pursuit of Happyness. In the movie the Pursuit of Happyness is a tremendous story of how Christopher Gardner played by Will Smith came from being literally on the street to become a multimillionaire. Throughout the whole movie Chris was thinking about not only his own future but also his son’s future. When he was a kid he never saw his father and at the age of twenty eight he meets him for the first time. Chris said, “I met my father for the first time when I was 28 years old. I made up my mind that when I had children, my children were going to know who their father was” (Gardner). This quote explains his dedication and how strong he was when nothing was going the way he planned he thought about his son’s future and changes his career so that he could provide for his son. They were hard times for Chris living on the street, having no place called home, and living everyday thinking how he was going to be able to provide for his son. Today Chris owns his own firm and will never have to think about how he will be able to provide for his family. Chris is a strong person because even when there was nothing to live for he stuck by and tried to make the best life and future for his son.


“Hope is a waking dream” (Aristotle) explains my hopeful career life in one sentence. Throughout the years of my life I have finally started to realize I need to start to think about my future. As a senior in high school the word future is a frightening thing, but this year I have started to focus more about my own future and what it is going to take to reach my goal.
This year I have to make a huge decision that decision is what college I will be attending for the fall of 2009. I have narrowed my choices between Florida State University and Clemson University, but this choice will shape my career decision in becoming a medical doctor. I have always wanted to become a doctor since I could remember. It has always been my dream because I love to help people and I have been very fascinated by how I will be able one day to save someone life that is sick or injured.
As a senior I have finally started to buckle down on school and my life. Before I used to just do everything by the bare minimum, but this year it finally kicked in that if I want to be successful I need to get a solid work and study habit. Thankfully I found that habit and it will help me so that I am successful in my studies at one of the University I will be attending. Everyday I think about what it is going to take to become a doctor, and with the change I have made I am confident that one day in the future I will reach my goal and will be a doctor.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Work Cited

“Alexander the Great from History to Eternity.” Geocities. 24 May 1997. 8 Apr. 2009 .
Bellis, Mary. “Thomas Edison - The Inventions of Thomas Edison.” Inventors. 8 Apr. 2009 .
“Christopher Gardner.” Chris Gardner Media. 30 Mar. 2009 .
“Michael Jordan Biography .” Notable Biographies. 7 Apr. 2009 .
Piper, Don. 90 Minutes in Heaven. Grand Rapids,MI: Revell, 2004.