Wednesday, April 8, 2009


“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work” (Edison). Thomas Edison known for his inventions that still have a huge impact on today’s world. People think that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb but in fact he did not. Edison improved a 50-year-old idea devolved by Humphrey Davy which Edison bought the patent from. Thomas never gave up trying to improve the light bulb he had many trails which did not work, but he kept with the idea and revolutionized the light bulb. In 1879, using lower current electricity, a small carbonized filament, and an improved vacuum inside the globe, he was able to produce a reliable, long-lasting source of light (Bellis). Edison's eventual achievement was inventing not just an incandescent electric light, but also an electric lighting system that contained all the elements necessary to make the incandescent light practical, safe, and economical (Bellis). The success of Edison made him a very wealth individual. The light bulb was spread around the world; Edison created a company named Edison General Electric. After awhile Edison’s company changed its name to a company that is still with us today known as General Electric “GE”.

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